Pins and needles
Pins and needles
Did you know pins and needles are two different things? Pins have a head on the top of them, and are used to hold two pieces of fabric together and keep the fabric from shifting as you are sewing.
A needle is used to pull the thread in and out of the fabric. A needle has an opening at the widest part, at the top. The thread goes through this opening. It can be a little tricky to get the thread through that little tiny opening, but be patient . . . you'll get it.
Parents: I recommend using an embroidery needle or a chenille needle that is a little longer and thicker . This will be easier for the child to handle. The larger the needle, the larger the eye (opening) and this will make it easier for your child to thread the needle.
Embroidery needles have a larger eye. Chenille needles are bigger, with a larger eye. Both these needles have sharp points. Ball point needles have a rounded edge, so it won't be quite as painful when your child pokes himself. (It's pretty much inevitable - it's going to happen!) If you are concerned about your child hurting themself you might consider this needle to begin with - especially if you are using the plate method to begin with. I'll explain that method in a bit.